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The Barred Plymouth Rock chicken is one of the all-time, popular favorites in the U.S. They can't be beat for steady, reliable chickens. This Heritage breed was debeloped in New England in the early 1800's by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas. These hardy, dual-purpose chickens are known as prolific brown egg layers and the hens are not discouraged by cold weather.


Egg color: Brown

Egg Size: Medium-Large

Eggs per year: ~280

Weeks to Lay: ~24

Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet

  • Birds will be fully weaned off from supplemental heat and be 11 weeks old at the the time of pick-up

    May: Saturday 10th or Sunday the 11th

    BYOBox (or crate) when picking up your pullets

  • 15% OFF if you buy more 10 or more!

    Use the coupon code 10PULLETSDISCOUNT during checkout to activate the discount price

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